Welcome To Mrs. Bryan's Learning Cafe7th Grade Blog

Welcome to our last grade one class blog for the 2019 - 2020 school year.

Jessica Nicholson. I am a 3rd Grade teacher at Taylors Creek Elementary. This is my 14th year teaching. I love what technology has done to create an exciting learning experience for our children! My husband, Jonathan, and I have two beautiful children. Nathan is in 8th grade, and Elizabeth is the cutest little 2nd grader in town!

  1. Springer and I want to welcome you to our blog. We're a 4th grade classroom of learners at Yale Elementary, and we're ready to take control of our learning by using the tools of the 21st century that will teach us to think critically about the world we live in.
  2. Dear Parents, I wanted to make you aware all third through eighth grade students have been given a district Gmail and Google Drive account. Students will only be able to e-mail within our school district.
  3. Kirkpatrick I am thrilled to be part of the Buckley team this year and looking forward to having you in class! I am excited about our year of discovery in Science!

It has been an 'interesting' few months filled with new learning experiences for everyone, with only a few hiccups along the way. Thank you again for all of your hard work in helping your child with their remote learning. I am so impressed by how well all of the parents did and by how far the students have come. Give yourselves a virtual high-five from me and everyone else here at BSLS.
Have a wonderful, restful, more relaxing, well-deserved summer break. I am going to miss you all.

Welcome To Mrs. BryanI have a few photos to share with you.
Here we are on Zoom showing our 'funny faces'.

Here are some good-bye photos from report card pick-up day.

Welcome to mrs. bryan

Mrs. Van Dale says hello. She is very excited to be teaching you again in grade two, in the fall.

Welcome To Mrs. Bryan's Learning Cafe7th Grade Blog 4

Blog Mr. B and Mr. Wozney are wishing you a good summer.

Welcome To Mrs. Bryan's Learning Cafe7th Grade Blog Lesson

My husband gave me this t-shirt for Mother's Day to remember this teaching year. Happy Summer!

Welcome To Mrs. Bryan's Learning Cafe7th Grade Blog Free