Pretty Woman Synopsis: In this modern update on Cinderella, a prostitute and a wealthy businessman fall hard for one another, forming an unlikely pair. While on a business trip in L.A., Edward (Richard Gere), who makes a living buying and breaking up companies, picks up a hooker, Vivian (Julia Roberts), on a lark. Select date for Pretty Woman The Musical. View show details. January 2021 From: £24.00 February 2021 From: £18.00 March 2021 From: £18.00 April 2021 From: £18.00 May 2021 From: £18.00 June 2021 From: £18.00 July 2021 From: £18.00. Last few tickets Limited availability Available.
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- Pretty Woman 1990 Awards
Pretty Woman ( 11,797 ) IMDb 7.0 1 h 54 min 1990 X-Ray Roberts stars as a streetwise down-on-her-luck working girl, whose chance encounter with with a handsome corporate mogul leads to an improbable love affair and a modern-day Cinderella fantasy that has ca. Directed by Garry Marshall. With Richard Gere, Julia Roberts, Jason Alexander, Laura San Giacomo. A man in a legal but hurtful business needs an escort for some social events, and hires a beautiful prostitute he meets. Only to fall in love.
The view of downtown Los Angeles from the enormous, ornate house
is extraordinary. A smalloutdoordinnerparty is in progress.
A MAGICIAN is entertaining guests. Playingcards and coins
appear and disappear in his nimble hands.
EDWARD HARRISstands at the window, impassivelylooking down
at the party. Edward is a handsome, well groomed man of around
forty. He looks tired; the kind of fatigue that can't be cured
by a night's sleep.
(a murmur)
Left pocket.
And indeed, down below, the magicianpulls the coin from the
left pocket of the incredulous WOMAN's silk blazer. More
laughter and applause.
The study is in keeping with the rest of the house. Luxurious.
Everything the best. WILLIAM STUCKEY, Edward's contemporary,
is a craftylookinglawyer who is the party host. VANCE is an
investment banker. His assistant JAKE, is a financial
researcher. The other men are INVESTMENT BANKERS. They are
in dark suits and power ties. On the table are stacks of
documents and folders, the name 'KROSS INDUSTRIES' is prominent
on many of the folders.
Our bankscertainly doesn't want
to discourageHarris Enterprises
from investing in California.
We think this is a great new venue
Pretty Woman 199
for you but you've got to
understand the mergers and
acquisitions market is changing.
With the upswing in inflation we
have to make these offerings
tempting to offset the risk.
Look, we're talkingabout hard
assets and a straight liquidation.
Imdb Pretty Woman
We have over a thousand man hours
in this deal.
(losing patience)
This is a 'no brainer'. There's
no risk for you. No one has ever
lost moneybacking Mr. Harris.
Not yet. But ship building is
a new endeavor for you...
(cuts him off)
Come on. You know we're not
going to go into ship building.
Besides, you're the ones with the
troubled track record, not us!
Bill, be reasonable. If you're
really going to digest Kross
Industries that quickly eighteen
should not be such a problem.
Besides, I don't think there's
anywhere else you can go for the
money in the time you have.
It's unacceptable.
Edward turns from the window. He hasn't miss a thing. All
eyes are on him.
Pretty Woman 1990 Deleted Scenes
Draymen Heux has offered me
seventy-five in the pool at
sixteen and a half. I can secure
the other half personally. You
have untiltomorrowmorning to
make me a better offer.
The bankersspeechlesslystare at him.
Richard Gere In Pretty Woman
The meeting is over, gentlemen.
He turns away. The bankers look at one another. They rise.
Silence as they exit. When the door closes. Stuckey explodes
with laughter.
Pretty Woman 1990 Full Movie Free Download
Hah! Did you see the look on
their faces?
You don't think we pushed too
Pretty Woman 1990 Awards
NO way! They'll come back. They
can't afford not to. Edward,
that bluff was beautiful.
Maybe I should have made it
The othersstare at him, uncertain. Stuckey laughs. The
others follow suit.
(looking at his watch)
Well! It's late. We've been
at this long enough.
Stuckey rises. EdwardushersVance and Jake toward the door.